MP3 players
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MP3 player reviews
worth mentioning @DankPods on Youtube! he has probably hundreds of videos up where he tests out mp3 players and then destroys them at the end. it's great

i think this is the cheapest mp3 player out there! the audio quality isn't great - you can hear a consistent humming in the background of everything, but it doesn't change in volume, so you can just turn your music up loud enough to cover it up (so long as it's safe for your ears, like if you're using an aux speaker or something) it's very simple and easy to organize your songs on this thing! not only that, but it has a folder for videos! i was planning to see if i could put a shrek movie on mine and watch it on the go, but mine got literally distroyed in an accident lmao someone else please try it and let me know how it goes

on the left is the sansaclip mp3 player i had growing up! back then, mp3 players were over 60 dollars, and my family only managed to get them because they were the older model and at a black friday sale. on the right is the modern version, the sandisk mp3 player!
i don't know if it's just because i didn't put the songs on my mp3 player myself when i was a kid, but i for sure have more problems with the sandisk than i did with the sansaclip. for example, the song "big metal shoe" from RWBY is on it, it's there, but if i try to play it, it crashes and reboots. every time! i don't know why! there's nothing wrong with the mp3 itself, it plays fine on my laptop. and that's the only song it does it for! maybe it's like the tumblr pink axolotl meme of death. i don't know. i think there have also been a few times where because of a glitch or something, only the first few folders were on the mp3 player and everything else disapeared. that's been fixed now, though! just remember to have a folder of everything on your mp3 player on your computer ready to go in case anything happens.
also the sides of the sandisk are translucent grey & it still has a clip so that is very cool!
but making playlists on it is weirdly difficult. there's a pdf from the company explaining how to do it, and it looked so complicated i gave up. instead of all that, i actually just make a folder and put duplicates in there. there's 8 gigs of data, so it's totally fine.
by the way, did you know that the radio in an mp3 player uses your earbuds as the antenna? i just think that's so cool! why'd they stop doing that?